Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 96
- Dissertation
Authors: Đoàn, Xuân Phú; Advisor: a (2024) - a
- Dissertation
Authors: Quản, Thị Hoàng Anh; Advisor: a (2024) - a
- Dissertation
Authors: Dương, Thị Giang; Advisor: Đinh, Thị Hồng Vân (2024) - Démontrer l’importance de cette étape dans la traduction du français en vietnamien. Identifier les éléments qui font l’objet d’une déverbalisation dans la traduction du français en vietnamien. Expliciter la démarche de déverbalisation dans la traduction du français en vietnamien en vue d’une meilleure traduction.
- Dissertation
Authors: Nguyễn, Thị Ngọc Trang; Advisor: Nguyễn, Hoà; Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2024) - The Vietnam War is one of the most dreadful and controversial events in the human
history in the 20th century. This study attempts to investigate the dynamic and critical
metaphorical conceptualization of the war from the perspectives of the insiders – American
war correspondents– through an evaluation of the conceptual metaphors used in their articles
published during the wartime. Methodologically, the current study applies a proposed
integrated framework of Critical Metaphor Analysis – CMA (Charteris-Black, 2004) and
Multi-level View of conceptual metaphor – MLV (Kövecses, 2017a) in order to gain deeper
insights into ideologies motivating metaphorical concepts for the war as ...
- Dissertation
Authors: Hoàng, Anh Nguyện; Advisor: Lê, Hùng Tiến (2024) - This doctoral thesis explores the crucial role of managing military terminology,
with a special focus on peacekeeping terms, amidst the Vietnam People’s Army's
deeper integration into the global military landscape, including United Nations
peacekeeping missions. The objective is to streamline access to an extensive array of
linguistic and conceptual knowledge through the creation of a bilingual
terminological knowledge base. This base organizes military peacekeeping
terminology alphabetically and categorizes each concept within a framework of
hierarchical conceptual categories and a semantic network. Employing Frame-based
Terminology, as proposed by Faber in 2012, the research...
- Thesis
Authors: Vũ, Xuân Trường; Advisor: Нгуен Суан Хоа; Нгуен Тхи Тхань Ха (2024) - Слова-реалии - слова и словосочетания, называющие предметы,
явления, объекты, характерные для жизни (быта, культуры, социального
развития) одного народа и чужие другому народу. Изучение
особенностей слов-реалий в художественных произведениях русской
литературы и выявление средств передачи их на вьетнамский язык имеют
особо важное значение для изучающих русский язык.
Диссертационное исследование состоит из Введения трёх глав
Заключения списка использованной литературы и Списка источников.
Во Введении обосновывается выбор темы отмечается актуальность
исследования определяются его цель и задачи раскрываются научная
новизна и практическая значимость перечисляются использу...
- Dissertation
Authors: Hoàng, Thị Ngọc Diệp; Advisor: Hoàng, Văn Vân (2024) - Vietnamese PhD candidates often have difficulties writing their theses in
English because they are not native writers. Besides, there is a lack of instructions
on how to write the literature review chapter of a PhD thesis in comparison with
other parts such as the introduction, methodology, or discussion. The perceived lack
of importance of the thesis literature review can be seen in the paucity of research
and publications devoted to understanding it. Doctoral students seeking advice on
how to write their literature review chapters correctly linguistically and
appropriately generically will find little published guidance worth noticing.
Therefore, this thesis attempts to expl...
- Dissertation
Authors: Mai, Thị Hiền; Advisor: Nguyễn, Thị Mai Hương (2024) - Critical thinking in academic writing is not only an important aspect but also the core
of success. By engaging with 239 English major students at a university in Vietnam,
this study is not just an adventurous exploration into the world of academic writing;
it is also a journey to discover the crucial role of critical thinking in crafting
persuasive essays. It employed a survey approach, incorporating questionnaires, and
writing sample analysis. The primary objectives were to understand how Englishmajored students perceive and apply critical thinking in their writing and to identify
any challenges they face. The findings revealed five key themes related to critical
thinking in ...
- Dissertation
Authors: Nguyễn, Thị Thu Hà; Advisor: Nguyễn, Hòa; Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2024) - Over the last few decades, along with the internationalization and
globalization in higher education, English has been increasingly used as a medium
of instruction (EMI) in different academic disciplines in higher education
institutions (HEIs) in various social geographical contexts. Despite a considerable
number of studies on EMI implementation in HEIs, research on EMI classroom
interaction practices has been scarce and fragmented. Concerns have been expressed
regarding the interactions between the teachers and students in their EMI class as
well as how these stakeholders perceive and evaluate their classroom interaction
practices. In order to contribute to bridging these gap...
- Dissertation
Authors: Hoàng, Thị Hằng; Advisor: Vũ, Thị Chín; Khuông, Thị Thu Trang (2024) - Категория неопределенности существует практически во всех языках
мира, в том числе и в русском. В русском языке данная категория
выражается разными средствами на разных языковых уровнях, однако,
самым ярким средством являются неопределенные местоимения и наречия
с аффиксами -то, -нибудь, -либо, кое-, передающие общее, приблизительное
указание на лицо, предмет, признак… и оставляют неизвестным,
невыясненным, точно неопределенным конкретное представление о лице,
предмете, признаке... Они употребляются, когда говорящий не знает, о чем
идет речь, не придает этому значения или знает, но не хочет об этом
говорить. Освещение передачи этой особенной группы слов в русском
языке на вь...
- Thesis
Authors: Hoàng, Mai Hiền; Advisor: Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2023) - The aim of this study is to explore the impact of using collaborative learning method versus cooperative learning method on students’ academic achievements in reading and speaking practicing regarding to the relevant topics in the subject of English language. Specifically, the study aims to obtain two objectives: To assess the influence of collaborative learning method versus cooperative learning method on students’ academic achievements in reading and speaking practicing and to identify the students’ preferences to some features of collaborative learning method and cooperative learning method. To fulfill the objectives, a quasi-experimental research project was carried out. The parti...
- Thesis
Authors: Đoàn, Hà Minh; Advisor: Trần, Đình Bình; Nguyễn, Thị Huệ (2023) - Dans ce mémoire, nous proposons de procéder à l'étude contrastive des deux systèmes de langue et à l'examen des interférences possibles. Cela nous permettra de 4 faire une meilleure identification des problèmes de prononciation dans une perspective systématique en tenant compte des facteurs linguistiques qui peuvent être à la source des difficultés rencontrées. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, nous avons l'intention de travailler seulement sur certaines erreurs générales et caractéristiques des apprenants vietnamiens ce qui implique une étude descriptive scientifique de certaines réalisations défectueuses de voyelles ou de consonnes du français
- Dissertation
Authors: Bùi, Thu Hương; Advisor: Trần, Đình Bình (2022) - Nous avons adopté la recherche-action pour élaborer une approche pédagogique basée sur la perspective actionnelle, destinée à améliorer la compétence linguistique, communicative, actionnelle et professionnelle 6 chez des étudiants apprenant le français du tourisme au DF de l'ULEI – UNVH. Sa démarche comporte cinq principales étapes : l’identification du problème ou de la situation de la problématique, l’élaboration d’une approche pédagogique, sa mise en expérimentation, l’évaluation des retours de l’expérimentation et le transfert ses résultats. L’originalité de la présente étude porte sur la mise en expérimentation d’une approche pédagogique basée sur la perspective actionnelle, conc...
- Dissertation
Authors: Trịnh, Bích Thủy; Advisor: Đinh, Hồng Vân (2023) - Notre recherche s’est passée au département de français, Université de langues et d’études internationales, Université nationale du Vietnam à Hanoï. L’application a été faite principalement dans la classe 17f6 et a été transférée à l’année suivante dans la classe 18f4 pour respecter la caractéristique cyclique d’une recherche-action comme mentionnée dans la partie précédente. Nous travaillions aussi dans les deux classes 19f3 et 20f4 totalement en ligne en raison de l’épidémie du covid-19. A la fin de la phase d’application, nous avons effectué ce modèle de classe pour les étudiants de la classe 21f4. La durée de notre application se limite dans un semestre de 15 semaines pour chaque ...
- Dissertation
Authors: Đinh, Thị Phương Thanh; Advisor: Nguyễn, Thúy Nga; Huynh, Anh Tuan (2023) - In recent years, the theme of teacher professional identity has gained prominence
in applied linguistics research (Beauchamp and Thomas, 2009; Beijaard, Meijer, and
Verloop, 2004; Olsen, 2008, 2010; Wenger, 1998). This study is aimed to investigate
how the EFL university teachers (re)construct and (re)negotiate their professional
identity and analyze factors significantly influence such (re)construction and
(re)negotiation. Identity in this thesis’s research development is the professional
identity perceived by the self that means who the participating teachers think they
are. The participants include three Vietnamese female university teachers (a novice
teacher, an experience...
- Dissertation
Authors: Wei, Yu; Advisor: Nguyễn, Hoa; Dương, Thu Mai (2023) - Validity acts as the most important quality of a test in language testing and assessment field. Theoretical exploration and empirical studies have never ceased to emerge on the validity of tests. Admittedly, validity is not limited to the test product, but is related to the process of producing the test product. Understanding the measured traits requires a deep exploration of the cognitive process required by the test taker to complete the test tasks in the test. In Vietnam, one of the significant achievements in English language testing and assessment is the emergence of Vietnamese Standardized Test of English Proficiency 3-5 (VSTEP.3-5). Like other large-scales and high-stakes tests...
- Dissertation
Authors: Nguyễn, Thị Hồng Hạnh; Advisor: Nguyen, Van Trao; Huynh, Anh Tuan (2023) - The aim of this thesis is to investigate the PLCs‘ operation, specifically
teachers‘ cumulative learning for professional development, PLCs‘ dimensions
performance, PLC deployment and implementation, and PLC quality management
for Vietnamese economics universities‘ EFL teachers (EETs). By synthesizing PLC,
sociocultural, and organizational learning theories, the thesis established an
applicable conceptual framework for the research. The research survey of the
present state of PLCs and the identification of impact factors resulted in
recommendations for initiating, sustaining, and promoting PLCs operation. The data
were gathered through questionnaire surveys and interviews. The...
- Dissertation
Authors: Nguyễn, Thị Hồng Hạnh; Advisor: Nguyen, Van Trao; Huynh, Anh Tuan (2023) - a
- Dissertation
Authors: Phạm, Thị Tâm; Advisor: Nguyễn, Văn Trào; Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2023) - The current study aims at investigating the manifestation and the representation of
the individualist and collectivist values in American and Vietnamese advertisements
under a non-essentialist view of culture through analyzing themes, creative tactics,
and multimodal devices. To fulfil the aims of the study, multidimensional
frameworks deriving from the individualism-collectivism cross-cultural theory and
empirical evidence about their manifestation in cross-cultural psychology and
advertising and a framework of multimodal devices representing these values are
chosen for data analysis. These frameworks are created from three sources, namely
the theory of social semiotics, in p...
- Dissertation
Authors: Nguyễn, Thị Hồng Tuyến; Advisor: Lê, Hùng Tiến; Huỳnh, Anh Tuấn (2022) - This study of inductive, exploratory, and analytical in nature attempts to
explore a knowledge-based terminology planning approach in Transport Construction
Engineering (TCE) based on lexicalrelations (LRs). It aims at optimizing the term
resources’ usefulness to EMI students in TCE for studying a specific specialized
subject in respects of language and content. Unlike in the traditional terminology
planning approach, the terms were investigated in relation with each other and in
context of situation rather than as discrete units. The Analytical Framework applied for TCE term analysis and description is the
one based on Lexical Functions (LFs) ̣in Meaning Text Theory (MTT) deve...
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 96