Formal foundations. Formal language theory / Shuly Wintner -- Computational complexity in natural language / Ian Pratt-Hartmann -- Statistical language modeling / Ciprian Chelba -- Theory of parsing / Mark-Jan Nederhof and Giorgio Satta -- Current methods. Maximum entropy models / Robert Malouf -- Memory-based learning / Walter Daelemans and Antal van den Bosch -- Decision trees / Helmut Schmid -- Unsupervised learning and grammar induction / Alexander Clark and Shalom Lappin
Bản đồ thống kê
Thống kê nội dung
Formal foundations. Formal language theory / Shuly Wintner -- Computational complexity in natural language / Ian Pratt-Hartmann -- Statistical language modeling / Ciprian Chelba -- Theory of parsing / Mark-Jan Nederhof and Giorgio Satta -- Current methods. Maximum entropy models / Robert Malouf -- Memory-based learning / Walter Daelemans and Antal van den Bosch -- Decision trees / Helmut Schmid -- Unsupervised learning and grammar induction / Alexander Clark and Shalom Lappin